music and life and more!

Category: Uncategorized (Page 15 of 31)

finally getting back

finally getting back to this here blog….things will be a bit different. sadly, I’m having issues in upgrading to the new version, but hopefully that will be sorted out soon.

I am completely on a Scottish music kick at the moment. Lots of incredible music coming out of Glasgow and the like…

The Fratellis will be hitting the US big time as the new iPod commercials start airing using their song, “Flathead” which will be released in the US later this month I believe. Hard to imagine it’s been a few months since I jumped up and paid extra to have a UK version of their album shipped to me. these things do take time I suppose.

in a different direction from The Fratellis, Reeds has also been rocking my world in their own special way:
I could listen to the song “Sea Beds” over and over again and just simply be happy in the moment.

more to come soon I promise!!

a bit slow going

I haven’t been updating my blog too much lately. I’ve actually gone through and deleted a bunch of entries.

I’ve been thinking about keeping my web presence to a more limited basis. I have been blogging a bit more on my myspace page, but even that has been a bit limited.

we’ll see what happens…

perhaps more to come soon?!

jack white was in my dreams last night

now before anyone gets all weird on me it wasn’t a romantic dream. I’m not even a White Stripes fan really, although I am a fan of The Raconteurs!

here’s what happened:

I’m not exactly sure where we were, but I was with some guy and girl, fairly non descript so I don’t know who they were or how to describe them. No matter, I was with a girl and guy who in the dream were close friends of Jack’s. We were going to try and catch a film of some sort (not sure which film), but Jack couldn’t walk in the front door because there was a crowd gathered and no one wanted a mob scene. I haven’t ever been in the vicinity of Jack White so I’m not sure if screaming fans are an issue. In my dream they were.

We picked up Jack from an apartment, a hotel room or something and went to the theatre. We arrived at the back of the theatre and went into a back door and through a warehouse type room and through a kitchen etc. we got into the theatre area and it was empty except for the four of us. the film started and then I woke up.

all morning I was completely baffled as to why the hell I would have a dream about Jack White. I don’t necessarily find him attractive, except maybe in his role in Cold Mountain, which was a pretty crappy movie (that I saw for free!).

as I write this, the back room area we entered the theatre reminded me a bit of the band entrance at Black Cat which I have been in a few times with friends. One of those times was with The Waxwings, who are from Detroit, and Dean Fertita from The Waxwings plays in Brendan Benson’s band and also has been touring with The Raconteurs (from what I’ve seen so far, on tv, etc). Perhaps that is my connection to Jack White? I did see my Raconteurs’ cd on my coffe table before I went to bed, so maybe that was the instigator of my dream? Maybe I’m just curious as to what Dean has been up to musically. It’s been about a year or so since I saw him on tour with Brendan Benson.

Thus ends how Jack White was in my dreams last night. survey

List your top 10 artists as played on
my page

1 Son Volt
2 Guided by Voices
3 Wilco
4 The Waxwings
5 Yo La Tengo
6 Teenage Fanclub
7 The Pogues
8 Elliott Smith
10 Big Star

Now answer the questions according to the numbers (I’ve added the names of the artists:

-What was the first song you ever heard by 6 (teenage fanclub)?
either Alcoholiday or The Concept through working at WLFR and 120 minutes on MTV

-What is your favourite album of 2 (GBV)?
Bee Thousand, but there’s so many songs in the GBV catalogue that are so good

-What is your favourite lyric that 5 (yo la tengo) has sung?
there’s probably a bunch…
georgia singing “you remind me where I don’t want to be”
ira singing “my brain’s impatient, my heart’s still willing to wait”
james singing “And I know, you know, It makes me sigh; I do believe in love”
oh there’s so many more…..

-How many times have you seen 4 (The Waxwings) live?

5 or 6, I would’ve seen them more if I could’ve but 2 of those times they crashed at my place so I did my part to support them as much as possible! I think of them as family.

-What is your favourite song by 7 (The Pogues)?
Streams of Whiskey or The Body of an American

-What is a good memory you have involving the music of 10 (Big Star)?
being so drunk at the Big Star, Yo La Tengo, Perfect, SUperdrag show @ Tramp’s in NYC with Jer and Matt, and having to ask what side of the stage Alex Chilton was on again. for the record, I’m short and we were in the back at the time of their set and I had my eyes closed for most of the Yo La’s set, so I was THAT drunk.

-Is there a song by 3 (Wilco) that makes you sad?
yep, some of the songs on Being There like Misunderstood and What’s the World Got in store are songs I listen to when I’m feeling pretty depressed.

-What is your favourite lyric that 2 (GBV) has sung?
“try to be nice and look what it gets you” I always ALWAYS quote this on a regular basis even to people who have never heard a GBV song, but it so rings true in every day life.

-What is your favourite song by 9 (IKE)?
hard to pick just one, and many of my favorites aren’t on cds or have made it into a regular rotation live. but Dandelion, Better Off Alone, Memory, Deathbed

-How did you get into 3 (Wilco)?
between being a casual Uncle Tupelo fan and falling in love with AM. I was involved in college radio so between that and spending all my free time with Jer, Paul & Adam in college, music was and is my life.

-What was the first song you heard by 1 (Son Volt)?
Windfall, Drown

-What is your favourite song by 4 (The Waxwings)?
10 O’Clock your Time, Sleepy Head, Almost All Day, Fractured, Answer to Me….
seriously, three albums, and my ever increasing love for my beloved band The Waxwings….I could go on forever.

-How many times have you seen 9 (IKE) live?
never enough, but I stopped counting. I’ve seen them in so many places, since JFPT and the transformation to IKE, I’ve managed to pop up in the strangest of places to get my fix! I’ll guess I’ve seen them at least 30 times!

-What is a good memory you have involving 2 (GBV)?
seeing them in Austin at SXSW 1995. seeing them a few times in philly, every damn show I’ve seen has been incredible!

-Is there a song of 8 (Elliott Smith) that makes you sad?
almost all of Elliott Smith’s songs make me sad, and even more so
XO is my favorite album from him and Waltz ..2 and ..1 always works for me.

-What is your favourite album of 5 (Yo La Tengo)?
hard to pick just one, but overall perhaps Electr-o-Pura or Painful

-What is your favourite lyric that 4 (The Waxwings) has sung?
“staring at a sunken sun”
I’m sure I could come up with more…that was the first that popped in my head

-What is your favourite song of 10 (Big Star)?
When My Baby’s Beside Me, Feel, Watch the Sunrise (um, yeah ..1 Record is probably my fav of theirs)

-How many times have you seen 8 (Elliott Smith) live?
sadly, never and won’t ever get to which is even more sad.

-What is your favourite album of 1 (Son Volt)?
Trace, Okemah & the Melody of Riot

-What is a great memory you have considering 9 (IKE)?
so many memories, recently the coolest was seeing them at center ice at the Spectrum after a Phantoms game

-What was the first song you heard by 8 (Elliott Smith)?
I can’t remember!!

-What is your favourite cover by 2 (GBV)?
I haven’t any idea, I think Bob Pollard has enough songs on his own.

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