music and life and more!

Tag: rock (Page 1 of 3)

SXSW recovery

Greetings dear friends!

While I’ve been neglecting my poor site for so long, I am planning a major overhaul and renewed enthusiasm for it. I’m in the process of recovering and catching up from my annual visit to Austin for SXSW. Not only must I recover myself, but I’ve a ton of things to capture and recover from an aging iMac. I’ve a couple years of SXSW and more to post!

It amazes me how I manage to take on a week in Austin every March, running on little more than 4 hours sleep each night, on the go, on my feet, going going going. It’s a constant challenge, especially as I’ve been a medical mystery for quite some time. Having been diagnosed with two auto immune diseases and tested for a myriad of others, I think the entire time I’m in Austin, I’m running on pure adrenaline. I joke about music being my drug but it surely is!

Since I’ve been home, the aches, pains, migraines and general feeling of being ill returned and I’m working on trying to get through it. Despite all of this, I forge ahead, reminding myself that I managed to walk all over Austin, seeing bands all day and night for 6 days. To quote a song that’s been getting loads of spins in my world:

The doctors don’t know anything. It’s not right, not right. Well my belly sure does hurt me, but it’s O.K. ’cause I feel damn alive.”

I combine my time at SXSW with bands I already know and love, including friend bands and try to mix in as many new or new to me bands. I do tend to have an emphasis on the UK bands and bands from outside North America. Sometimes there’s a chance those bands may never make it back to the US again.

This year, I narrowed the 1200 bands to 240 and created a playlist to share.

SXSW 2013 Lauree’s List

Did I get to see all 240 bands? no, but I used it as a guide to create a reference schedule for my time in Austin. I don’t adhere to a strict schedule, but I make note of about 5 bands who are MUST SEE bands, the rest of the bands listed come down to “game time” decisions. I could easily walk up 6th or Red River at any given point and find friends along the way, sometimes I go along with them, sometimes I move on and meet up later. It’s all rather fluid. I am a firm believer in the sage & commonly adopted advice of SXSW: Don’t think about what you’re missing, revel in what you’re experiencing.

I’m putting the memory puzzle pieces together and hope to have photos & reviews up soon! I’m working as fast as I can, and there’s tons of rock shows to attend. And a little thing called work! (and I’m still unpacking from moving to a new place in February)

Three Blind Wolves

In November 2011, Three Blind Wolves were in the US for the first time. They were kind enough to sit with us for a few songs before their gig in the North Star Bar Victorian Dining Room.

The Philadelphia date was added at the last minute and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and combined efforts with PhillyCAM. In about 10 days time, I was able to coordinate the shoot, a task made easier by great friends in Philly, a fabulous crew and of course, the band and their managers!

Farmer with a Pulse
Helpless (Neil Young)
When the Garden Gets Near

you can find out more about Three Blind Wolves:

This was a combined effort of Arlington Independent Media and PhillyCAM!

Please support your local community media center!

Admiral Fallow SXSW 2011

I’m still recovering from SXSW 2011, and will hopefully right up my review soon, but I’m off to NYC for the Big Star Third all star tribute/benefit concert.

In the meantime, here’s a wee video I shot of Admiral Fallow-Four Bulbs:

The Very Most

To this day, I still defend myspace to my friends and colleagues who feel it’s not worth the time. The interface can get a bit annoying but I’ve never had trouble with it.

I am constantly adding new bands and many times, the bands who contact me to add them understand my music tastes. I’m pretty open to all genres and I do listen to every single band’s music that sends a request, but some just don’t always make the cut.

I’m sure I would have found out about them eventually, but the other day, I had a friend request from The Very Most. A band from Boise, Idaho that almost screams “we should be in your music library Lauree” They definitely made the cut!! Hell, I only needed to hear 20 seconds of the first song playing on their page to add ’em.

The Very Most on myspace

The Very Most website

they just released their second album on Coming in Second Records
Coming in Second Records

here’s a video for Spilt, Spilt Milk

At the very least (pun totally not intended…but amuses me…), myspace allows me to reach out and connect to bands I may never get to see live.

I can’t even begin to list all the UK (especially Scottish) bands I’ve connected to via myspace who probably think I’m a nut. Some of those bands have since broken up and gone on to other projects, so without myspace, I probably would have never heard the music!!

I may no longer sit for hours and hours a week at WLFR like I did back in college, but that doesn’t mean I’ve lost my “kid in the candy store” approach to getting to hear new (or new to me) music! Myspace helps with the addiction.

throw it on the fire, throw it in the air….

Michael Stipe

I realized that the horror of horrors, I had not shared my R.E.M. review with everyone yet. life has been a whirlwind since then…

at any rate here ya go, written just after I got home:
I wasn’t planning on drinking tonight ($8 cups of beer! ugh), but it was such a beautiful day/night, I was giddy like a school girl upon seeing r.e.m. I always revert back to my teens when I see them.

at any rate, we got there early and the guy parked next to us shared some beer with me and chatter. he was a real cool guy, and helped pass the time before the show. then once we got in to our seats (6th row center, fanclub seats), brian was so happy about our seats, he bought me a beer, which I drank down during the first half of Modest Mouse.

The National were incredible!!! I had yet to see them and now I love them. I can’t really get a feel for a band and their music until I see a live show….live they just rock! I never saw MM before either and I was drunk enough to not know if I had any of their stuff on my ipod. didn’t matter that I didn’t know any of the songs, really, except for like one or two, probably the two that are somehow on my ipod….they were also incredible.

incredible set by R.E.M. as well. I am an idiot and forgot to charge my camera battery, I lost my voice from screaming and singing. and I ache all over from dancing my ass off. we expected the political edge to the set with Drive, Ignoreland, Man-Sized Wreath and Mr. Richards (which dedicated to Dick Cheney, whom Stipe despises)

photos up on flickr:
photos via my brian’s phone:

Finest Worksong
Living Well’s the Best Revenge
Bad Day
What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?
Man-Sized Wreath
Little America
Hollow Man
Walk Unafraid
(Don’t Go Back to) Rockville
Pop Song 89
Horse To Water
The One I Love
Driver 8
Until The Day Is Done
Let Me In
These Days
Orange Crush
I’m Gonna DJ

Supernatural Superserious
Losing My Religion
Mr. Richards
Fall On Me (with Johnny Marr)
Man On The Moon (with Johnny Marr)

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