music and life and more!

Month: April 2004

Dewey Beach Popfest

Janice and I spent the weekend in Dewey Beach, DE for the Popfest and I’m glad we could go. It’s always bittersweet when you get to see people you used to see all the time. Many friends’ bands played and I was really happy to be among so many friends, it almost became too overwhelming.

I tried to gather those who were there the whole weekend together for breakfast or lunch or whatever. The only one who seemed to be interested was Brian, so we were up early on Saturday for breakfast at Friendly’s. That was good stuff.

Saturday was spent doing much of nothing, since it was too cold for the beach. 🙁

Saturday evening, I indulged in some drinking but kept it to light beer. I still managed decent intoxication, but I think the light beer helps keep a hangover to a minimum. It’s a theory at least.

returning home to arlington was rough. the drive killed me and I almost fell asleep driving a few times. not only that, but to come back here after leaving a weekend of friends was just a huge letdown. I suppose I’ll figure it out.

at least I got home to see the FLYERS game. living in Capitals country, I hardly get to see FLYERS’ games anymore.

NJ and my parents’ 40th anniversary

I’m in NJ this weekend to celebrate my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. I think it’s pretty amazing since anymore due to divorce rates, I’ve found I’m the exception to a lot of my friends’ families as having parents who have managed to stay dedicated to one another for so long.

We were able to get the entire immediate family together for a family portrait on the beach. I hope they turn out to be great photos!

I shall admit freely that nothing is more hilarious

than going out drinking with a childhood friend,

getting sufficiently intoxicated, only to come home

realizing you have no money left, and you neglected to

bring your keys and your cell phone with you.

You then resort to throwing a tennis ball (one of a

few hundred the dog leaves in the yard) at your

sister’s bedroom window to try and get her to let you

in, because despite being 31, you still hate to face

your parents drunk in the middle of the night!

and it’s only 2:40am, when I was still living here, I

used to stumble in at sunrise or later….

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