music and life and more!

Category: friends (Page 3 of 5)

Final day of shooting Andy’s film

we’re done shooting the film. I am soooo tired. about 12 hours today killed me yet again, but we’re done and I’m glad. I don’t think I did a great job but Andy seems pleased so I guess that is ok.

The FLYERS won and that’s good too.

still soaking in stupid emotions from the party last night.

I need some sleep…..

Andy’s film shoot and trying to be social

such a long ass shoot today but I think we’re doing ok and getting what we need to get. I forgot sunscreen on the backs of my calves and as a result am severely burned. silly me.

despite exhaustion, I made it over to Mike and Scott’s party. A little later than I planned and I didn’t expect so many people to be there. I really felt out of place and wanted to leave, but I figured my alternative was to sit home alone like I normally do unless I go out to a see a band. I think I did ok with the party thing although I find it easier to be in a room full of strangers watching a band as opposed to pretty much the same thing at a party. I dunno. feeling anti-social I suppose.

I almost left 5 times, but ended up being the last to leave. weird. but that was partly due to the mix of a beer or two, a glass of wine and complete exhaustion. I guess I wanted to make sure I was ok to drive. But then I felt silly and overstayed my welcome a little…at least in my mind.

Carroway acoustic at DC9

Scott and Mike played an acoustic set at DC9 tonight. I was so tired after shooting Andy’s film all day.

I like DC9. I just wish it was in a better part of town. I was kind of the only one there in time to see their set, and somehow I really didn’t even want to be there. I don’t know, hard to explain. I stayed a lot longer afterward than I had thought I would.

Apparently, those guys are having a party tomorrow night. We’ll see how the shoot goes tomorrow and if I’ll go.

Dewey Beach Popfest

Janice and I spent the weekend in Dewey Beach, DE for the Popfest and I’m glad we could go. It’s always bittersweet when you get to see people you used to see all the time. Many friends’ bands played and I was really happy to be among so many friends, it almost became too overwhelming.

I tried to gather those who were there the whole weekend together for breakfast or lunch or whatever. The only one who seemed to be interested was Brian, so we were up early on Saturday for breakfast at Friendly’s. That was good stuff.

Saturday was spent doing much of nothing, since it was too cold for the beach. 🙁

Saturday evening, I indulged in some drinking but kept it to light beer. I still managed decent intoxication, but I think the light beer helps keep a hangover to a minimum. It’s a theory at least.

returning home to arlington was rough. the drive killed me and I almost fell asleep driving a few times. not only that, but to come back here after leaving a weekend of friends was just a huge letdown. I suppose I’ll figure it out.

at least I got home to see the FLYERS game. living in Capitals country, I hardly get to see FLYERS’ games anymore.

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