music and life and more!

Category: friends (Page 2 of 5)

music will save my life

I still haven’t recovered from two nights of rock n roll.

was out at Galaxy Hut on Monday to see The Vestals and Grand Champeen. I hadn’t known about the Vestals until I found out they were playing this show. I checked out some MP3s and both recorded and live were a lot of fun.

Grand Champeen I knew about but never really had the chance to see them before…I’m so glad I could be there and didn’t sit at home all depressed and what not. Because no matter how crappy things are, music can take your mood to different places. thanks to Adam I indulged in a bottle of Bud, despite feeling sick to my stomach!!! but beer and rock must cure what ails me because I had so much fun.

so much so that I wanted to try and find a way to get to the show the next night in Baltimore when GC played with The Bigger Lovers. thanks to Tom, I was able to do just that!

Even with almost falling asleep driving home late tuesday night into wed morning, I managed to drag myself to work with less than 5 hours sleep.

damn, I miss the rock n roll lifestyle!

100,000 Fireflies

ok, so maybe it’s just a hundred or so, but after the past three days of draggin’ myself to work and sittin’ in traffic both morning and evening (I estimate approx. 10-15 hours a week alone just sitting in my
car in traffic) to and from my job where I sit all day waiting for something to do (yes, I basically have a government office job). the same routine each day and night…

luckily, I have a new-ish housemate, Holly, who’s a smoker and spends a lot of time on our screened-in back porch, smoking and drinking wine. She calls us out there tonight to get
a view of the fireflies….

it’s amazing…it’s like a stadium when all the camera flashes are going off. if I could find a way to show y’all in a picture, I would. go get yourself a copy of the kid’s book, “A Very Lonely Firefly” and imagine
the last page of it at least 50 times that. in the meantime, you’ll just have to come over and
see for yourself. I could sit here for hours watching them.

I’m listening to Superchunk’s version of “100,000 Fireflies” since I don’t have the Magnetic Fields
original version.

by the way, do you know how happy I am that the damn cicadas are gone? I’ll take 100,000 fireflies over the 1,000 or so cicadas we had in our yard ANY DAY!

McGowan & Naked Puritans at Galaxy Hut

I saw my great friend, McGowan at Galaxy Hut here in Arlington. It’s always good to see

him and nice for him to focus on his own music a little bit after spending time touring and recording with Ben Lee. he’s got some great new stuff!

I was also extremely and pleasantly surprised at the set from Naked Puritans who also performed! They’re based out of Charlottesville, VA and I couldn’t quite place their sound…maybe a teensy bit sneetches, then a lot more Wild Carnation/Feelies, maybe a smattering of Versus and Unrest?! at any rate, they definitely got a bit o’ teenbeat sound going on and were refreshingly fun. sometimes the unexpected shows are the best. seems like they’ve been around for a bit, and tour up and down the east coast. normally, I’d wonder how they haven’t shown up on my radar, but I’m poor and can only afford the free shows much anymore (galaxy hut is free).

It’s always great to see some of my old friends, and McGowan was no exception, esp. when he played my request of his version of ‘Sexy Sadie.’

Carroway and insomnia

just got in a bit ago from seeing the second of three Carroway shows of this week.

last night at Jammin Java was good to see the full band plus keys.

tonight just Scott and Mike. I had second thoughts about going, but I’ve never been to the grog and tankard so I figure it’s easier to go some place alone when you know you will at least know one or two people who will talk to you for a little while at least.

my nights of insomnia have been getting to me. when I do sleep, I have recurring dreams that are mildly disturbing.

a beautiful full moon is shining tonight in a crystal clear sky full of a million stars…
I drove a longer way home to enjoy the night air a while more.

back home in jersey, I used to take long drives on nights like this, just listening to music and thinking.

I don’t really feel at home here, so I’ll probably lie awake again tonight thinking.

The Bigger Lovers visit DC!

A little bit of home visited me here in DC tonight. My great friends, The Bigger Lovers played an amazing set at DC 9 tonight and it felt so good to have some Philly love. I am really beginning to realize what I left behind in Atlantic City and Philly.

also, I got a nice letter from Michael from Hello from Waveland, a Seattle band I got to see at Galaxy Hut last year. I’m submitting their music to a production company who may use it for a new program they’re creating for Discovery Channel.

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