music and life and more!

Category: DC (Page 1 of 2)

throw it on the fire, throw it in the air….

Michael Stipe

I realized that the horror of horrors, I had not shared my R.E.M. review with everyone yet. life has been a whirlwind since then…

at any rate here ya go, written just after I got home:
I wasn’t planning on drinking tonight ($8 cups of beer! ugh), but it was such a beautiful day/night, I was giddy like a school girl upon seeing r.e.m. I always revert back to my teens when I see them.

at any rate, we got there early and the guy parked next to us shared some beer with me and chatter. he was a real cool guy, and helped pass the time before the show. then once we got in to our seats (6th row center, fanclub seats), brian was so happy about our seats, he bought me a beer, which I drank down during the first half of Modest Mouse.

The National were incredible!!! I had yet to see them and now I love them. I can’t really get a feel for a band and their music until I see a live show….live they just rock! I never saw MM before either and I was drunk enough to not know if I had any of their stuff on my ipod. didn’t matter that I didn’t know any of the songs, really, except for like one or two, probably the two that are somehow on my ipod….they were also incredible.

incredible set by R.E.M. as well. I am an idiot and forgot to charge my camera battery, I lost my voice from screaming and singing. and I ache all over from dancing my ass off. we expected the political edge to the set with Drive, Ignoreland, Man-Sized Wreath and Mr. Richards (which dedicated to Dick Cheney, whom Stipe despises)

photos up on flickr:
photos via my brian’s phone:

Finest Worksong
Living Well’s the Best Revenge
Bad Day
What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?
Man-Sized Wreath
Little America
Hollow Man
Walk Unafraid
(Don’t Go Back to) Rockville
Pop Song 89
Horse To Water
The One I Love
Driver 8
Until The Day Is Done
Let Me In
These Days
Orange Crush
I’m Gonna DJ

Supernatural Superserious
Losing My Religion
Mr. Richards
Fall On Me (with Johnny Marr)
Man On The Moon (with Johnny Marr)

lamenting DC gridlock or Don’t go back to Rockville.

driving home from rockville to arlington usually sucks. they say the stretch of highway that I drive is the 7th worst gridlock in the country and that 19 million hours are wasted each year in this specific stretch. I like to think that all 19 million hours are MINE!

despite this, on a hot and humid day like today, when traffic breaks free enough for me to exit onto one of the smaller highways, the GW Parkway to be exact, and I can actually drive the speed limit, it’s really lovely to put the windows down, turn off the AC and just let the coolness of the trees enter through the car.

Final day of shooting Andy’s film

we’re done shooting the film. I am soooo tired. about 12 hours today killed me yet again, but we’re done and I’m glad. I don’t think I did a great job but Andy seems pleased so I guess that is ok.

The FLYERS won and that’s good too.

still soaking in stupid emotions from the party last night.

I need some sleep…..

Andy’s film shoot and trying to be social

such a long ass shoot today but I think we’re doing ok and getting what we need to get. I forgot sunscreen on the backs of my calves and as a result am severely burned. silly me.

despite exhaustion, I made it over to Mike and Scott’s party. A little later than I planned and I didn’t expect so many people to be there. I really felt out of place and wanted to leave, but I figured my alternative was to sit home alone like I normally do unless I go out to a see a band. I think I did ok with the party thing although I find it easier to be in a room full of strangers watching a band as opposed to pretty much the same thing at a party. I dunno. feeling anti-social I suppose.

I almost left 5 times, but ended up being the last to leave. weird. but that was partly due to the mix of a beer or two, a glass of wine and complete exhaustion. I guess I wanted to make sure I was ok to drive. But then I felt silly and overstayed my welcome a little…at least in my mind.

Carroway acoustic at DC9

Scott and Mike played an acoustic set at DC9 tonight. I was so tired after shooting Andy’s film all day.

I like DC9. I just wish it was in a better part of town. I was kind of the only one there in time to see their set, and somehow I really didn’t even want to be there. I don’t know, hard to explain. I stayed a lot longer afterward than I had thought I would.

Apparently, those guys are having a party tomorrow night. We’ll see how the shoot goes tomorrow and if I’ll go.

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