music and life and more!

Category: Life (Page 2 of 4)

Carroway and insomnia

just got in a bit ago from seeing the second of three Carroway shows of this week.

last night at Jammin Java was good to see the full band plus keys.

tonight just Scott and Mike. I had second thoughts about going, but I’ve never been to the grog and tankard so I figure it’s easier to go some place alone when you know you will at least know one or two people who will talk to you for a little while at least.

my nights of insomnia have been getting to me. when I do sleep, I have recurring dreams that are mildly disturbing.

a beautiful full moon is shining tonight in a crystal clear sky full of a million stars…
I drove a longer way home to enjoy the night air a while more.

back home in jersey, I used to take long drives on nights like this, just listening to music and thinking.

I don’t really feel at home here, so I’ll probably lie awake again tonight thinking.

lamenting DC gridlock or Don’t go back to Rockville.

driving home from rockville to arlington usually sucks. they say the stretch of highway that I drive is the 7th worst gridlock in the country and that 19 million hours are wasted each year in this specific stretch. I like to think that all 19 million hours are MINE!

despite this, on a hot and humid day like today, when traffic breaks free enough for me to exit onto one of the smaller highways, the GW Parkway to be exact, and I can actually drive the speed limit, it’s really lovely to put the windows down, turn off the AC and just let the coolness of the trees enter through the car.

Final day of shooting Andy’s film

we’re done shooting the film. I am soooo tired. about 12 hours today killed me yet again, but we’re done and I’m glad. I don’t think I did a great job but Andy seems pleased so I guess that is ok.

The FLYERS won and that’s good too.

still soaking in stupid emotions from the party last night.

I need some sleep…..

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