
music and life and more!

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you know, sometimes I underestimate myself A LOT.

tonight I was at a panel discussion for how to get radio airplay sponsored by the Washington Area Musician’s Association.

I know more than I allow myself to realize.

Despite this, I’m glad I was there, as it helped me focus on some things. Granted it’s all to help out Carroway or any band that lets me, actually. I made some contacts, I created yet another plan to direct marketing and promotion focus to a million things. I can’t sleep now as my mind is aflutter with the possibilities. I must force myself to remain grounded though, as I tend to dream, dream, dream.

After the panel was the start of Arlington Music Scene’s Six Points Festival, I could only really stay for J.P. McDermott and Western Bop which was very cool since I’ve never seen them before. Totally made me think of Ms. Amy Lee Spano as she would be drinkin’, and dancin’ to these boys in one of her fine vintage dresses. In fact, it makes me think back fondly to one particular warm summer day many years ago, where Amy and I, got dressed up in some dresses, threw on a bit of makeup, oh so hip sunglasses and went off for a spin in one of her cars (I can’t remember which one.) through Atlantic City. We were on our way to an evening homebrew party in Ventnor, the sun was just starting to set. We were armed with AM radio and a pack of Lucky Strikes between us. We were so giddy and girlie it was a blast!

Now I gotta get some sleep….

a whirlwind of a week

wow, whirlwind week so far….

just got in a bit ago from seeing Philly friends, Cordalene perform at IOTA, only to see an email from Daddy John Faye and the birth of son, Sean. He’s adorable, of course!

lots going on around here, spring like weather makes me smile and I must get some sleep now.

Hard Day’s Night

it’s been a HARD DAY’S NIGHT!!!

ok, actually it’s been quite a good night (& day) since I got to see the film, restored in glory on a big screen. The theatre should’ve been packed, but maybe 70 people and a good portion of them small children which was very cool.

The AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, MD is a bit posh compared to the standard theatres around here and I think in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Beatles first visit to U.S. they should’ve done all the Beatles’ films on the big screen.

I am definitely a mocker.

International Orange at Galaxy Hut

2023 update: the original link no longer works, but I did find this playlist on YouTube.

Original post from 2004:

wow, the music addiction continues……

INTERNATIONAL ORANGE rocked the HUT tonight and I can’t believe it’s over.

as a result, I’m now quietly (it IS 2 AM), dancing around my room, with headphones connected to my computer, listening to mp3s.

yes, I am a freak, I’m not afraid to admit it.

I just have to figure out how to calm myself down from the five-year-old-kid-in-a-candy-store-with-unlimited-allowance to consume in order to actually get to sleep.

it’s nice to have a warm fuzzy memory of super bowl sunday as opposed to others.

get your warm fuzzy fix here:

  • International Orange

be sure to click on the links to Django’s and Snuzz’s solo sites and listen to those mp3s too!

this is what the world should be listening to, damn it!!!!!!

ok one more round of songs, and I gotta get some sleep….

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