
music and life and more!

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Yo La Tengo-Upside Down

It’s hard to believe this song is 15 years old now!

I started listening to some Beat Happening, which lead to Yo La Tengo and now I’m sitting here at the computer playing all my old favorite “hits” from ’92…

it’s a little crazy to think back then a bunch of us would drive the 2.5 hours or so from AC to Hoboken to see them. I can remember making that round trip more than once within the same week (not always to see the Yo La’s, mind you)

or the much shorter drive to Philly.

I can’t even recall how many times we went. there are quite a few memorable shows and some, thanks to my discovery that I like beer a lot (around age 24..yes I’m serious about that!) that are a bit foggy….

Tramp’s with Superdrag, Perfect and Big Star…I think I had my eyes closed the entire Yo La’s set just soaking in the music. and if Jeremy and Matt hadn’t walked on either side of me when we left, I might have just slept on a Manhattan sidewalk.

Maxwell’s where I bought tees from Ira for my nephews. another show there when me, Amy, Jeremy and Adam drove back in the middle of the night and missed the exit off the turnpike to get on the parkway southbound. Adam was on crutches and Amy did an illegal u-turn…shhhhh

the Guinness Fleadh in NYC where me, barely able to speak and stand up (pints of harp and cider), stood, barefoot in the middle of the muddy center of the smaller tents reassuring Ira that the schedule was indeed changed and their set didn’t conflict with Patti Smith’s and they would definitely have time to get off stage and over to the main stage. how i managed to maintain coherency is beyond me

sadly, it’s been ages since I’ve seen a Yo La Tengo show and even sadder is that they’re in town at The Birchmere October 23rd and that is the same exact night that Arlington Independent Media’s 25th Anniversary Gala is happening. which means, there’s no way in hell I can go see Yo La Tengo.


I think what I miss most was that those shows always included going with at least a car full of friends, sometimes, like the Troc or TLA in Philly, there could potentially be 2 dozen of us or so smack dab in the middle of the room….my how times have changed.

then there’s the driving the back roads of port republic, nj in the middle of the night heading home from the port house with a trillion stars in the sky listening to songs from fakebook and may I sing with me…windows down waiting for the drums to kick in on “detouring america with horns”

or the time at the watermusic party…

I could go on
and on
and on…

AIDS walk Washington

I walked in my first 5K this morning. I ended up walking alone. my group from church consisted of two couples, one couple was running in the 5K race, and it turns out the other couple has the flu and couldn’t make it this morning.

I think it worked out better that I walked alone, I could walk as slow or fast as I wanted. plus I could listen to my ipod. mostly Sarah Borges, Kelly Willis, some Bill Fox for the mellow morning metro ride to the walk festivities and two cow garage on the way home. next time I need to create a specific playlist for this sort of stuff. I did a lot of repeating of some Sarah Borges and Kelly Willis songs. I needed the sassy country twang guitars to keep me going.

I ended up walking it in roughly 45-50 minutes which is pretty quick for me. On the treadmill, I’m lucky if I can do a 20 minute mile. maybe walking outside is much better!

at any rate, I’m exhausted as I didn’t sleep very well mainly because I was afraid I wouldn’t wake up in time. I was supposed to meet up with the running couple after the walk but I couldn’t find them so I just came home. I’ve been lounging ever since, sometimes fading in and out of sleep. I have to stop doing this, wasting the hours of my days off sleeping all day. it’s hard to get on a schedule when work schedule changes though.

Glossary-The Better Angels of Our Nature

if you don’t already know about this band, you should! Now is a great time to introduce yourself to them with their new album! It’s just as incredible as their others. And this one is FREE!!!!!!!!!!

you MUST check this out, download it, listen to it, LOVE it!!!

from the Glossary myspace bulletin:

Finally, Our New Album, “The Better Angels Of Our Nature” will be available for FREE download from our website.


Go get it beginning at noon today. Don’t fret If you are not technically savvy like that or you just like to hold stuff. We will be making CD’s that will be available beginning Oct. 23rd. Each run of 200 will be designed by a regional artist or graphic designer. We also plan to make the the new album available on vinyl early 2008. OK thanks, now go download our new record. One last thing, unlike some bands out there, we highly encourage you to make and distribute copies to your friends and family. Spread the good word.


Two Cow Garage

love this band like they’re my little brothers!!

check out more cool videos at:

and a great article featuring these videos:

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