
music and life and more!

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NJ and my parents’ 40th anniversary

I’m in NJ this weekend to celebrate my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. I think it’s pretty amazing since anymore due to divorce rates, I’ve found I’m the exception to a lot of my friends’ families as having parents who have managed to stay dedicated to one another for so long.

We were able to get the entire immediate family together for a family portrait on the beach. I hope they turn out to be great photos!

I shall admit freely that nothing is more hilarious

than going out drinking with a childhood friend,

getting sufficiently intoxicated, only to come home

realizing you have no money left, and you neglected to

bring your keys and your cell phone with you.

You then resort to throwing a tennis ball (one of a

few hundred the dog leaves in the yard) at your

sister’s bedroom window to try and get her to let you

in, because despite being 31, you still hate to face

your parents drunk in the middle of the night!

and it’s only 2:40am, when I was still living here, I

used to stumble in at sunrise or later….

A visit to my home state

I went to NJ this weekend for the tribute cd release party for:

WHO’S Not Forgotten-A Tribute to the WHO

on FDR Label

I got to visit with my friends, Laverne and Charlie, too who enjoyed the sets from Cordalene, The Commons, The Dipsomaniacs, and Taggart.

I was sort of a surprise special guest, and Laverne commented as we drove home after the show, that ‘You know lots of boys in bands.’ well, yes, I do and I don’t think that is a bad thing AT ALL!!!

Cordalene was fresh off a week long tour that included a SXSW showcase and it showed! You could tell they played a lot in the last 10 days or so, because their set was tight and dead on for the most part.

It was the first time I saw The Commons and they were fun, and had what I call hippie girl dancers who don’t quite dance to the music that *WE’RE* listening to! I also have to admit that ‘Squeeze Box’ isn’t the same unless Carroway is covering it.

The Dipsomaniacs prepared an entire WHO set and it ROCKED!!!! Windmills galore and it was incredible.

Taggart did the same and you could tell they rehearsed it as they had easily transitioned from song to song, and it sounded soooooooooo good!! I’m glad I could be there for the show.

The rest of the weekend, I just hung out at Laverne and Charlie’s place, we saw ”Jersey Girl” at a Saturday afternoon matinee and I’m glad I saw it in Jersey. It made me miss my home and the ocean and all the good stuff about NJ. I’ll admit it’s not Kevin Smith’s best film, but it was cute and charming and just a good movie to make you thankful for what you have and the people you can share it with.

Later, we watched “Gothika” and it SUCKED! It was drab and boring and drug on. Oddly enough, both movies featured music from The WHO!

now I’m debating whether or not I’ll so see the show at IOTA tonight.

Carroway and birthday surprise

Tonight we managed to surprise Scott with cake on stage at the Carroway show. I was a bit nervous as I wasn’t sure how he’d react and the whole logistics of it all. very stressful evening tonight was. I was a bit reluctant to help out with Mike’s plan, but he asked. I took my lunch break to go to the supermarket and get a cake. This included a phone conversation with Mike while standing in the supermarket bakery.

I wasn’t sure what to put on it but my mind ran with ideas from the get-go, and included some red food dye ‘blood’ drizzling down the side ala ‘Salem Serial Killer’ (an inside joke.) I decided to just go with my instincts and decorate away!

Coordinating with the bartenders, and getting the cake ready, candles lit, and successfully getting it safely to the stage were a whole other story. I was insanely and nervously shaking while carrying it and the whole time it was really surreal.

On top of that, I was nervous about helping the guys out with sound. It was a team effort and they sounded great, better than any other band that night. I barely remember what songs they played.

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