
music and life and more!

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my new favorite tee

my new favorite tee
Originally uploaded by Lauree.

just got in from work awhile ago and realized that more than likely I will wear this same tee tomorrow, my day off… (and yes I am still wearing it right now and was wearing it while I shot the picture)

because sometimes you need to have favorite clothes.

I ordered this online from The Garage in Winston-Salem, NC after I heard the sad news that more than likely they’ll be closing their doors.

I have only been there once, but I enjoyed myself immensely.

MRIs are like experimental music

I had my MRI this morning. while it’s never fun being enclosed in that magnetic tube, I usually just try to take a little nap.

It’s been about 17 years since I’ve last had an MRI. They gave me earplugs this time. I noticed there was a sort of experimental music vibe. A distinct rhythm to the noises made me feel like I was hearing a tribal drum circle or something like that.

despite this, I’m still glad it only last abut 15 minutes.

I’m addicted to scanning!

Since I’ve been spending most of my free time at home, working through new medications for my injuries, I’ve now become addicted to scanning in old photos onto my computer. I can’t stop!!!

I have a huge pile to scan in, and I’ve gone through a first run of most of my print photographs. I’m being a bit choosy as to what I scan. Back in the day, when all you used were regular ol’ cameras with negatives and prints. You could potentially end up with crap photos. I love digital that way. You can shoot more and hope for the best more often than not, because you have instant access to what you’ve got!

I really should be getting myself into bed now, but I’ll scan a few more pics. plus, I figure I’ve done a lot of sleeping in the last 24 hours.

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