music and life and more!

Robin Tymm

I’ve been listening quite a bit to Robin Tymm’s album “Whole Lies & Half Truths” lately. I’ve got a few of his albums on a “to buy” list.

I was tuned in to Robin’s music via the Three from Leith podcast that I listen to weekly. You should check it out, as Grant puts together a great podcast on a weekly basis.

back to Robin Tymm….
there’s various places to listen to his music. He’s just released his 5th album, “Fatal Flaw”

look for him on:

I’ve only been able to purchase “Whole Lies & Half Truths” so far, and this song is getting repeat spins from me.

I hope to have all his music soon. Which shouldn’t be too long, now that I’ve completed my Dropkick collection!

1 Comment

  1. threefromleith

    Thanks for the plug, Lauree 🙂 Good luck in completing the Dropkick collection soon – they really are top blokes.

    And have you checked out Robin on YouTube ? He has live versions of “Reach” and “Telephone Line” up.

    Enjoy and have a great weekend.


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