Sunday, March 22

The official parties and showcases are over and recovery begins for most. However, there’s an annual Sunday gathering for brunch at Opal Devine’s for many of us. I’ve only gone the last two years, back in 1995 (my first SXSW) I wasn’t on the Postcard list yet. And SXSW was a completely different experience back then!

The 17th floor of the hotel had to evacuate at 4:30am. Climbing down 17 flights of stairs in PJs is not exactly what one wants to do at that hour, especially when you’ve only been asleep for a few:

-Um hotel evacuation not cool at 4:30 am #pcfh wish they would let us know whats going on 5:47 AM Mar 22nd from web
-All because some idiot was smoking in their room, we had to walk down 17 flights of stairs grr #pcfh 5:54 AM Mar 22nd from web
(the twitter post times, are East Coast time)

I did find it curious that only the 17th floor had the alarm to evacuate. And it’s not one you can sleep through, it’s got a voice along with the bell and is constantly telling you to leave. But what if it had really been an emergency? the 16 floors below us would be ok? anyway….

We had a really great turnout for brunch, and it’s nice to just sit and relax with no where to go, unless your flight is leaving that day! A few left to catch flights, drive home, etc some went to Waterloo a bit early, and a handful of us stayed behind to talk with the Two Cow Garage boys.

A quick visit to Waterloo Records, although I was just along for the fun. By this time in the week, funds are usually way low for me! I went over to Flatstock with Terry & Wendy and wandered around a bit. I tried in vain to find an early birthday or Christmas present for a friend, but just couldn’t decide on something that would work.

took a few hours to relax in the room, pack up my stuff, and then met up at the Driscoll for a drink or two, off to dinner & drinks at ? a place I can’t remember, but was good food & conversation. And one last drink back at the Driscoll. We all said our goodbyes.

Then instead of walking around the block, me, Dave, Donny & Joe went over the front gate on the porch of the Driscoll and I almost broke my ankle hopping down onto the steps, even with assistance from the boys. I walked it off back to the hotel, hoping it would be fine.

Back in the room, I could barely keep my eyes open & had thought about going out for more music, but decided to sleep instead.

the view from the 17th floor:

the view from the 17th floor

Another SXSW complete.
I wonder what next year will bring?!