yep, I confess. I really do love each of them. I’ve decided they are my long lost little brothers I never knew I had. confirming my insanity, I drive up to philly yet again on Friday Novemer 12th. knowing full well that I must drive back in the same night. As if that isn’t enough, it was pouring down rain all day and night, and took me what seemed like a lifetime to get out the DC area and to Philly.

running late and losing all hope of having a decent night, I get to The Fire to find that they have yet to even load in for the show. I did realize the night was doomed from the get go when no one else I knew would be coming to the show. I’ve had my fair share of sets dedicated and played just for me specifically and this was no exception. I did my best to keep my chin up for those guys at least, despite all the internal mayhem happening. I do like to say: ‘I may be foolish, but I’m not stupid.’ it’s a favorite saying I created while spending time in Atlantic City with drunk Irish boys. At any rate, I definitely was not stupid this night, but certainly felt foolish and idiotic as I attempted to shake off the cold from the soaking rain and try not to let what’s going on in my head spill out and over into the room.

I guess I could laugh in retrospect at how silly I must’ve looked walking alone in the pouring rain to Let’s Wok to get chinese food at midnight, after not eating anything since NOON that day. somehow it doesn’t help. but at least I didn’t pass out from low blood sugar.

Thankfully, Shane, Micah and Dustin are the sweetest boys a girl could hang with and real easy to keep a stiff upper lip around (and all those standard cliches). The new cd is absolutely amazing and I still have no idea why they aren’t packing places like the Fire or why I can never get anyone to come see them play.
They played a rollickin’ rockin’ set and I felt privileged to be there to witness it. I’m getting used to being the only person there to see a particular band. I suppose I just need to decide which bands are deserving of it.

Since they were headed down Arlington way, I had planned to have them sleep in the rock n roll annex of my house. It was a rough drive home in MORE rain, but Shane rode with me and we rolled in at 5am saturday. after some other responsibilities I had, and just trying to settle in, and let my mind stop thinking….It was 6:30 am before my head hit the pillow.

2 hours later, the boys sound asleep, I’m off to work. I am fortunate to have some great co-workers, one being Ed for allowing me to leave early and take my exhausted and shattered ego home for an hour’s nap. breakfast at 4:30pm at Linda’s Cafe…..literally the first meal of the day for any of us!!!

took a ride up in the van with the TCG boys to baltimore for another night of rock. for the time being feeling like I actually belong somewhere and serve a sense of purpose. Walker made the trip down to The Mojo for another strange night of music line-ups and two of us there to see them. Per usual, they rocked the walls and blew us away.

sunday brought us into the studio at work so we could tape them rockin out. I screwed up a lot of things that day, but what’s done is done. the boy’s had fun at least. back to the house for some grub and movies and much needed sleep.

Last night, I think it almost felt like I was a fixture in the van. As tiny as the Galaxy Hut is, I told them to just do what they do like they do. and they did. the place was full of electricity and crazy cd sales. giddy and silly happy at how it all turned out. nothing tasted better at 1:30am this morning then the gas station hot dogs we all indulged in. mind you, they are NOTHING compared to WaWa hotdogs.

for some stupid reason, I had my hungover self up at 6am for the day, and left for work a few hours after that. definitely a day to not get out of bed for me personally. but now I find myself lost without Two Cow Garage living in the basement rock n roll annex or smoking on the kick ass smokin’ porch. granted they’re only 2 hours away in Richmond tonight, but even as the withdrawal sets in, I’m fighting to keep my eyes open.

my reckless rock n roll lifestyle does need to be balanced with a little good ol’ fashioned responsibility thrown in.

the last 6-7 weeks have been completely insane. it’s almost scary that I have to go to work to relax.