ok, these things are impossible for me, it hurts my head to think about it and by the time I’d come up with a list of songs or albums, the next year would be already gone.

here’s what I can think of…. (much thanks (?) to a bout of insomnia tonight)

Lauree’s top 10 rock n roll moments of 2004:

(or the rock n roll lifestyle moments of 2004)

1. meeting R.E.M. after being a fan for the last 16 years!

2. 4 days & nights with the boys of Two Cow Garage and feeling like a permanent, yet welcome, fixture in their van. And them being a permanent, yet welcome fixture in my house! I like when bands sleepover.

3. swivel chairs/audible cd release party in philly and feeling like a celebrity on my own! too much alcohol (I recall having 2 beers in hand most of the night), and the fact that at some point in the night I had no idea where I was exactly, except that I was in Philly.

4. dewey beach popfest! another great year of music and mayhem and once again feeling like a superstar at times.

5. grand champeen rockin’ the galaxy hut and me! so much so that I was lent $20 for gas money to drive up to see them the next night in baltimore with The Bigger Lovers!

6. finding myself getting inside the sold out show from The Thrills at IOTA, just in time for the first note of their first song! despite not knowing many people here in DC/VA, I apparently know the right people! Wink

I wasn’t *thrilled* with their live show all that much, however, the band does fulfill two main weaknesses I have, ask me and maybe I’ll tell ya!

7. seeing ‘Hard Day’s Night’ on the big screen and taking my roommate with me since she never saw it EVER!!!!! I was more excited than anyone in the theatre.

8. getting to see my great friend, Gavin Conner get to play two of his own songs on stage in the middle of Ben Lee’s set at IOTA!

9. Eugene Edwards and his band here from LA, I agree to give them a place to sleep and meet them for the first time at the gig. I also get us *lost* (which is easy around here) and sidetracked on the grounds of the Pentagon. luckily, I look innocent sometimes. Rolling Eyes

10. pretending I’m invincible, and driving up and back to philly in the same night from arlington to The Jane Anchor cd release, after being out late the night before with IKE at IOTA and working all day. and realizing my insanity a week later, when I did it again the following weekend to start my 4 day affair with Two Cow Garage!


**** going out drinking with a childhood friend, and realizing that you not only left your keys, and cell phone at your parents’ house, but actually being locked out of the parents’ house and having to throw tennis balls at your sister’s window so she can let you in at 3am, because at 32 you still don’t want your parents to see you drunk!!!

while there’s 2 more weeks of ’04 left and only a few more possibilities for additional moments of rock n roll mayhem, I think something absolutely amazing would have to happen for any of this to change.

the instances of rock have dwindled over the years, but I’ve recently started getting back into the swing of things. somehow, I have a feeling 2005 will prove to be interesting. at least I hope so.