music and life and more!

Little Brazil at the Hut

Little Brazil at the Hut
Originally uploaded by Lauree.

First off, my new G5 arrived today and after 2 long weeks (ok, one of them was in CA so it didn’t really matter) of not having a computer at home and my only access being at work….

I’m back online and better than ever!!! woo-HOO!

I’ve a TON to catch up on, but I decided to celebrate my further plunge into debt, by heading out to Galaxy Hut tonight to see Little Brazil ROCK!!!

they were great and I’m so glad I could make it.

I held back on the photo ops though. I get a bit timid sometimes and don’t want to get too close.

I’m exhausted…must hit the bed, but I’ll be planning to post more often…I promise.


  1. Joe MightyBoognish

    Hi Lauree! So glad to see you back on the blog again — I missed wordtravelsfast! What kind of G5 did you get? Whatever, they are awesome…does it have Tiger and Dashboard with widgets? Keep posting about your musical exploits, expertise, and experiences! Rock on!

  2. Joe MightyBoognish

    Hi Lauree! So glad to see you back on the blog again — I missed wordtravelsfast! What kind of G5 did you get? Whatever, they are awesome…does it have Tiger and Dashboard with widgets? Keep posting about your musical exploits, expertise, and experiences! Rock on!

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